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Alberta Car Insurance

Posted by Rob Stevenson

Whether you live in Edmonton or Lethbridge, Lloydminster or Sherwood Park (and anywhere inbetween) residents of Alberta, who own their own car, are required by law to get their automobiles insured. Failure to comply with the law can get drivers in a lot of trouble, and lead to numerous fines and harsh penalties. Apart from that, being caught without valid Alberta Car Insurance will certainly leave you in at a disadvantage if you were to have an accident or get pulled over while driving your car. A lot of people don't have a good understanding of the ins and outs of Alberta Car Insurance requirements so the following lines are going to provide you with the information you need to know first, before you get your automobile insured in the province of Alberta.

What is Car Insurance?

Whenever you drive your car, there is a possibility that you may cause damage to other people’s property or even injure or kill yourself or another person in your car or on the road. Alberta Car Insurance covers the driver, its occupants and any pedestrians that are involved in a collision with the vehicle. Car insurance is mandatory in Alberta and comprises of two main elements:

  1. Third-Party Liability
  2. Accident Benifits

Third-Party Liability: What is it?

If you are responsible for an accident that causes the injury or death of another person, or if your vehicle has damaged someone else’s property, you are legally responsible. Most people don’t have the money to pay for the losses that they might have caused while driving, this is where third-party liability coverage comes in. In the case that you are sued for more than the liability limit stated on your Alberta Car Insurance policy, the balance of the settlement would be paid out of your pocket.

Accident Benefits: What are they?

If you are in an accident, regardless of who is at fault, the “accident benefits” cover a portion of the incurred expenses, such as, medical treatment, income replacement, etc., that are subject to your insurance policy limits.

Alberta Car Insurance Coverage:

The expenses that may be covered following a car accident are:

  • Income replacement
  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation expenses and
  • Funeral expenses

What About the Insurance Premium?

If you live in a bustling city, road accidents or auto theft are more likely to occur, this may translate into a higher premium. There are several factors that determine the premium of an Alberta Car Insurance policy, some of those factors are given below;

  • Your driving history
  • The type of car
  • What you use your vehicle for
  • How many people will be using the car
  • Where you live
  • The type of coverage you choose
  • Industry-related factors, such as, inflation, taxes and changing regulations.

Ending Note:

In all cases, you should speak to an insurance professional before making a choice. Our brokers are licensed car insurance experts and can guide you when choosing your policy. Having the right Alberta Car Insurance is important for anyone who uses a car to get around. If an Albertan gets into an accident, which leaves them unable to work, their Car Insurance policy can protect them financially.

We offer flexible Alberta Car Insurance options to provide you with specific protection rates that will match your income. You can get an instant online insurance quote here and access more information from our website armourinsurance.ca.

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