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Business Insurance Overview

Business or Commercial Insurance is your organization's line of defense against the unexpected.

Commercial Insurance Products

Armour Insurance offers a full range of commercial insurance products for our business customers. Some of the more common products are listed below:

Industry Specific Insurance

Business insurance coverage is available for a wide variety of professional occupations and an even wider variety of trades, services and retail establishments. For many of these industries we start with a standard set of products, then tailor it to your direct needs as a business owner. 

No matter what your business, or its size, talk to an Armour professional to find the product that best fits your business. Armour takes great care to match, or create, tailored products to meet your needs. We work to find the best commercial insurance coverage for you and your business.

Business insurance is a contract between the business owner(s) and an insurance company. The business policyholder(s) pay a set premium, and the insurance company agrees to pay for any related losses as specified in the commercial insurance policy.

Do I Need a Business Insurance Policy?

Can your business sustain a fire loss on your building, its inventory, or a law suit? Commercial insurance is likely an important part of your business's success should you have a claim or loss. The effect of a financial loss can be minimized with the proper insurance in place - we can help you review your insurance needs.

Commercial Property Insurance.

Commercial property insurance insures; building coverage, contents coverage, equipment, and stock coverage against physical loss or damage. Business Interruption coverage, which can offset income lost while you're shut down. You might need to shut down to reestablish your business in the case of an insured loss or extra expenses. Equipment Breakdown covers expenses associated with machinery and equipment break-downs.

Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL).

Commercial general liability insurance will protect your business in the event that you are sued for completed operations, bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage.
Commercial general liability insurance is not Professional Liability insurance (errors and omissions). Professional liability Insurance is excluded from your CGL.

Errors and omissions, professional liability insurance.

This type of insurance is important for professionals who work with clients that could say that something you, or your company, did on their behalf was done wrong. They can claim that the results cost them money or caused them harm.


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