Intact Insurance's Better Communities Program provides an opportunity for brokers to apply for a donation to a registered charity that matters to them, and supports one of the mandates to address:
- Child Poverty
- Youth Success
- Mentorship/Leadership
- Education
YESS is based in Edmonton and provides immediate and low-barrier 24/7 shelter, a drop-in resource centre, temporary supportive housing, and individualized wrap-around supports for young people aged 15-24.
YESS plans to use this grant to go towards the Wellness Integration Team (WIT) project.
"The Wellness Integration Team (WIT) is founded upon Trauma-Informed Care to meet youths' underlying needs, framing "high-risk behaviours" as coping strategies. The natural developmental processes of youth are to develop independence, experiment with identity and differentiate from their family of origin. Trauma-Informed Care allows our staff to walk alongside youth as they go through these core processes. Our role is to model and share coping strategies that maintain clients' values so that they can begin to integrate a new way of responding by reflecting on their integrity. WIT provides a combination of education, training, and onsite support." - Desiree Conception, Senior Development Officer
SafeGen Training provides teens with the educational services and safety courses (including Health Protection, Workplace Safety, Red Cross, First Aid and many more) that have helped significantly reduce work-related fatalities, injuries, and illnesses that result from workplace hazards. These courses are available at no cost to all publicly-funded junior and senior high schools throughout Alberta.
SafeGen's primary goals are:
- To provide youth with free accredited safety training as they prepare to enter the workforce
- To empower future generations of workers to take responsibility for the health, safety, and well-being of themselves, their friends, colleagues, and communities
- To reduce unnecessary workplace injuries and fatalities among youth
We at Armour are thrilled that Intact Insurance has provided the opportunity to support these worthwhile organizations!