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Is it Ever Legal to Do a U-Turn in Alberta?

By Rob Stevenson on Jul 25, 2024 7:00:00 AM

On a sunny Saturday morning last May I was pulled over and issued a ticket for an illegal U-Turn. After I got past the initial embarrassment of being pulled over on a busy road, I asked the police officer, where it actually WAS legal to make a U-turn in Alberta. His response surprised me...

Topics: Car Insurance traffic laws
2 min read

What Happens if you get Caught Without Valid Registration on your Car?

By Rob Stevenson on Nov 23, 2023 3:23:00 PM

Have you ever been pulled over without valid registration on your vehicle? Is your registration up to date? I was caught on Highway 2 last weekend with expired registration on my car. Here's what happened.

Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry traffic laws Armour Registry
2 min read

Should Slow Moving Vehicles Always Stay in the Right Lane?

By Rob Stevenson on Mar 29, 2016 11:42:00 AM

It can certainly be frustrating when you get pinned in behind slower moving vehicles driving shoulder to shoulder down the QE2. The fact is that sometimes life in the fast lane isn't all that fast on Alberta roads, but what do the Alberta Traffic Laws say about this. We took a closer look at the Alberta Traffic Safety Act to uncover some Rules of the Road when it comes to slow moving vehicles. 

Topics: Auto Insurance Car Insurance Car Insurance Edmonton Auto Insurance Edmonton traffic laws
4 min read

Distracted Driving: Is it Illegal to Send a Text While Waiting in a Drive-Through Line

By Rob Stevenson on Dec 4, 2015 3:00:00 PM

Recently a man received a ticket for distracted driving for answering a text message while waiting in line at a Beaumont area Tim Horton's drive through. While there is some speculation that he may have been texting on the way to Tim Horton's as well, it seemed like a good time to take another look at Alberta's distracted Driving Legislation. 

Topics: safety Auto Insurance distracted driving Auto Insurance Edmonton edmonton car insurance traffic laws
4 min read

Is it Illegal to Send a Text While Waiting in a Drive-Through Line?

By Rob Stevenson on Apr 8, 2014 2:06:00 PM

Recently a man received a ticket for distracted driving for answering a text message while waiting in line at a Beaumont area Tim Horton's drive through. He's On September 1, 2011 Alberta became the first province in Canada to write a law that addresses distracted driving and cell phone use. It is also Canada's most comprehensive distracted driving law, which has led to a bit of confusion over what activities would be considered breaking the law and what would be perfectly legal. Read below to dispel some of these myths.

Topics: safety Auto Insurance distracted driving Auto Insurance Edmonton edmonton car insurance traffic laws


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