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1 min read

Armour Day off Raffle Supports Stollery Children's Hospital Foundation - Racing For the Cure

By Jake McCoy on Jun 19, 2024 10:02:45 AM

At Armour Insurance, we love finding ways to give back to the community and offering innovative perks to our team members. When you combine both of those together, you get the Armour day off raffle program. The program is pretty simple: Armour team members from all levels can purchase raffle tickets for $2 each. At the end of the month at one of our famous happy hours, we take all of the tickets that were purchased throughout the month, and we draw one ticket out. The person who purchased the winning ticket wins an additional paid day off!

Topics: Culture Armour Insurance staff
3 min read

The Armour Healthy Lifestyle Commitment

By Jake McCoy on May 17, 2023 10:30:00 AM

A big part of the Armour Insurance culture is our commitment to employee health. We believe that the health and well-being of our team members is crucial to our success. That's why we're committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. We're proud to offer a range of programs and initiatives to support our staff in achieving their health and wellness goals.

Topics: Core Values Culture Armour staff Armour Insurance staff
5 min read

The Car Wouldn't Start This Morning - Here's What I Did

By Jake McCoy on Dec 20, 2022 5:30:00 PM

This morning in Leduc County, where I am currently living, it was -43˚C when accounting for the wind chill. Given that it is December 20th in central Alberta, this kind of weather isn't really out of the ordinary. Living on an acreage, we park our vehicles outside on the driveway overnight. With multiple people living in the house, we have 4 vehicles on the property.

Topics: Car Insurance Culture
3 min read

I HATE Waiting on Hold

By Jake McCoy on Oct 7, 2022 11:00:00 AM

I know it almost goes without saying that everyone hates waiting on hold. The dreaded ding ding dong of the scratchy hold music makes most people incredibly annoyed. I'm sure we've all been there, waiting on hold with a shipping company, airline, passport office, or somewhere else with terribly long hold times.

Topics: Culture Armour staff
4 min read

H.E.A.R.T. – What resides at Armours Core?

By Jake McCoy on Jul 28, 2022 10:30:00 AM

The core values of an organization are meant to be the foundation for all decisions made by that business. They are the lens that we use to define culture, influence our behaviour, and how plan to achieve our goals. Many companies have a vague or arbitrary set of core values that the folks at corporate came up. Most of the operations people don’t have the faintest idea of what core values of their company are.

Topics: Culture Armour staff Armour Insurance staff
2 min read

Armour Insurance Named an IBC Top Insurance Employer

By Gina Schopfer on Dec 2, 2021 11:10:18 AM

We're very excited to announce that Armour Insurance has been featured as one of the Insurance Business Canada's Top Insurance Employers this year with an overall average score of 4.58/5! Armour has been celebrated in December's edition of Insurance Business Canada, and announced on their website.

Topics: Culture
1 min read

Armour's Core Values: H.E.A.R.T.

By Gina Schopfer on Oct 7, 2021 10:05:51 AM

At Armour Insurance, our culture is something we take pride in. Our Core Values are embodied by each member of the Armour Team, and we look for these values in each person that we hire:

Topics: Culture Armour Insurance staff
2 min read

What's Your Favourite Thing About Working at Armour?

By Gina Schopfer on Oct 4, 2021 3:55:29 PM

At Armour Insurance, we strive to make the workplace a great setting for our team members to thrive, and enjoy ourselves! We asked some of our team members what their very favourite thing is about working at Armour. Here's what they had to say:

Topics: Culture Armour Insurance staff
2 min read

Armour's Culture Cup

By Gina Schopfer on Jul 23, 2021 4:37:44 PM

At Armour Insurance, our culture is crucial to our success. Culture happens whether we plan it or not, so why not create a culture we love? Our goal is to make a company that everyone is proud to be a part of. To do so, we've implemented an Armour Culture Code and Core Values to help ensure our team is motivated, on track, and easily able to note their progress.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle Culture Armour staff
2 min read

Armour's Core Values - From the Lunchroom

By Rob Stevenson on Oct 10, 2019 10:42:31 AM

At Armour Insurance, we believe that culture is important. It is also inevitable. Culture will grow in your organization whether you actively build it or not, so why not build a culture you love. In 2013 we set out to do just that, and it all started with our core values.

Topics: Core Values Culture


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