Insurance companies are in the business of risk management and mitigation. They use data and analytics to determine the likelihood of a risk occurring and what the costs for the respective damages would be if it were to happen. If insurance is not available or prohibitively expensive, the risk is probably quite high. This leads us to the main question of the day; what is the risk climate change poses to Canadians and what insurance companies are doing about it?
5 min read
Insurance Companies and Climate Change: What's Being Done?
By Jake McCoy on Jun 5, 2024 1:51:06 PM
Topics: Inflation Alberta Insurance Climate Change
6 min read
Insurance Inflation 2023 Update: Personal Car Insurance
By Jake McCoy on Oct 25, 2023 7:00:00 PM
At Armour Insurance, transparency is one of our most important core values. We do our best to be transparent with our team, our partners, and of course our valued customers. So, in the spirit of transparency, we'd like to share some of the data we have on insurance prices year over year in Alberta.
Topics: Car Insurance Car Insurance Edmonton Inflation
2 min read
Alberta Government Freezes Insurance Rates and Opens Up Payment Plans
By Rob Stevenson on Jan 27, 2023 2:34:54 PM
The Alberta government announced on January 25, 2023 that they would be freezing auto insurance rates and making it easier for residents to pay monthly for their insurance. We wanted to clarify what this all means for Albertans, how your it impacts your insurance premiums this year, and what it will mean going forward.
Topics: Car Insurance Insurance Premiums Inflation Alberta Insurance
3 min read
How is inflation impacting insurance?
By Jake McCoy on Aug 15, 2022 4:00:00 PM
Inflation, inflation, inflation. The word that truly feels like the buzzword of 2022. Many consumers have had no claims or infractions in the past 12-24 months, yet they see their insurance rates increase. This is obviously frustrating and annoying. But why is it happening?