When it comes to protecting your car, comprehensive car insurance is an essential coverage to consider. It provides coverage for your vehicle in case of theft, fire, vandalism, or other types of damage that are not caused by a collision with another car.
4 min read
Comprehensive Car Insurance: Protecting Your Vehicle and Your Wallet
By Jake McCoy on May 2, 2023 2:25:44 PM
Topics: Auto Insurance Car Insurance Car Insurance Edmonton Auto Insurance Edmonton Comprehensive
3 min read
Snowmobile Theft: What Can Insurance Do?
By Jake McCoy on Jan 29, 2023 9:53:00 AM
Over the Christmas break, some family friends of ours had their snowmobiles stolen right off their flatbed trailer. It was on relatively well lit street, the snowmobiles were tied down and didn't have the keys in them, and they weren't in a seedy area where you might expect something like this. Despite all of this, they still had their snowmobiles stolen in the early hours of boxing day.
Topics: Comprehensive snowmobile Snowmobile Insurance
3 min read
Auto Insurance Coverage Types Explained
By Rob Marusin on Apr 24, 2012 11:42:00 AM
Types of Auto Insurance Coverage
There are different types of coverage and benefits available through an automobile insurance policy. The principal coverage is listed below. Armour Insurance Group representatives are pleased to meet with existing and new customers to assess your insurance requirements.