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2 min read

Crop Insurance Can't Protect the Backyard from Hail, These Tips Might!

By Rob Marusin on Jul 13, 2012 10:00:00 AM

As many South-Edmonton residents can attest to, hail can do some damage to your backyard gardens. Unfortunately Armour's Crop Insurance doesn't cover your home garden from hail damage, but we can offer some tips collected from avid gardeners across North America. So the next time the hail hits, your plants will be covered!

Topics: insurance edmonton home insurance crop insurance alberta Farm Insurance Crop Insurance
1 min read

Alberta and Agriculture - Farm Insurance

By Bill Reay on Jun 28, 2012 1:24:00 PM

Alberta and Agriculture are terms that are strongly linked. With crops valued at $3.7 billion and livestock at $3.5 billion and an overall $7.7 billion industry the economic importance is clear. With a growing worldwide population, an increasing demand for meat from developing countries will create a demand for Alberta agriculture products like never before. This is why it's so important to have comprehensive Farm Insurance and crop insurance. Failure to be covered properly could result in catastrophic financial and physical losses.

Topics: Farm Insurance Crop Insurance
2 min read

Is your Farm Crop at risk? Hail Insurance and Crop Insurance Alberta

By Bill Reay on Jun 22, 2012 10:18:00 AM

In recent weeks we have seen the start of the thunderstorms and hail across Alberta. Once your crop is up we all turn a wary eye to oncoming storms. Are we going to get hail, what effect could this storm have upon my crop yield. 

Topics: crop insurance alberta Farm Insurance Crop Insurance Hail Insurance
1 min read

Crop Insurance - Farm Insurance Alberta

By Rob Marusin on Apr 16, 2012 11:31:00 AM

Crop Insurance for 2012

The snow is gone in most of Alberta, we are having rain showers to add moisture to the soil, and soon we will have crops sprouting throughout the province. These crops generate significant income throughout the farming community and regardless of the outlook in the Farmers Almanac this year, it only takes one storm to turn this into a significant loss.

Topics: crop insurance alberta Farm Insurance Crop Insurance


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