With all the talk about the Mayan calendar these days, it seems like a good time to look at what trends have been going on in the last year with regards to catastrophies and how it relates to our coverage and premiums.
Bill Reay
Recent posts by Bill Reay
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Catastrophic Losses - Are they Increasing?
By Bill Reay on Dec 11, 2012 9:41:00 AM
Topics: Insurance Claims Catastrophes Insurance losses Insurance Premiums
2 min read
Flood Insurance, Water Damage & Your Home Insurance
By Bill Reay on Nov 13, 2012 8:41:00 AM
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Topics: flood insurance insurance edmonton home insurance Insurance Claims Water damage house insurance tips
3 min read
Fine Arts Coverage - Home Insurance
By Bill Reay on Oct 24, 2012 7:46:00 AM
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Topics: home insurance fine art insurance theft insurance
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Alberta Summer Storm Activity - Property Insurance
By Bill Reay on Oct 10, 2012 12:09:00 PM
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Topics: insurance edmonton home insurance property insurance Insurance Claims Insurance Claim Homeowners
2 min read
Building Insurance - Commercial Insurance
By Bill Reay on Jul 6, 2012 7:35:00 AM
Unlike automobile Insurance you are not required to have building insurance if you own the building free and clear. By not buying insurance you are 'self-insuring' your building and and liability losses that may be associated with it.
Topics: commercial insurance business insurance Commercial Insurance Alberta Commercial Insurance rates Commercial Insurance Quotes
2 min read
Liquor Liability - Commercial Insurance
By Bill Reay on Jul 3, 2012 7:00:00 AM
When liquor is served organizations may be responsible for those served. Liquor liability includes serving people past the point of intoxication. Any organization, company, or individual with possession of or responsible for a premises are responsible for protecting persons on their premises from harm. Employers have a liability exposure where employees consume alcohol at functions like staff parties. Liabiity exposures also exist if security are used to monitor patrons if excessive force is used to manage intoxicated patrons.
Topics: commercial insurance Liquor Liabiity Liquor Liability Insurance
1 min read
Alberta and Agriculture - Farm Insurance
By Bill Reay on Jun 28, 2012 1:24:00 PM
Alberta and Agriculture are terms that are strongly linked. With crops valued at $3.7 billion and livestock at $3.5 billion and an overall $7.7 billion industry the economic importance is clear. With a growing worldwide population, an increasing demand for meat from developing countries will create a demand for Alberta agriculture products like never before. This is why it's so important to have comprehensive Farm Insurance and crop insurance. Failure to be covered properly could result in catastrophic financial and physical losses.
Topics: Farm Insurance Crop Insurance
2 min read
Is your Farm Crop at risk? Hail Insurance and Crop Insurance Alberta
By Bill Reay on Jun 22, 2012 10:18:00 AM
In recent weeks we have seen the start of the thunderstorms and hail across Alberta. Once your crop is up we all turn a wary eye to oncoming storms. Are we going to get hail, what effect could this storm have upon my crop yield.
Topics: crop insurance alberta Farm Insurance Crop Insurance Hail Insurance
2 min read
List of top 10 stolen cars - Car Insurance Edmonton
By Bill Reay on Jun 22, 2012 8:06:00 AM
With car insurance rates potentially on the rise one consideration when purchasing a car is whether it may be a target for theft. Vehicles targeted for theft are more expensive to insure. High end vehicles are often targeted by criminal organizations who then sell them for parts. To help avoid buying a stolen car consumers can buy from reputable dealers, and reputable repair shops. Get a car history report to lessen the chances of becoming a victim of auto theft.
Topics: Auto Insurance Car Insurance Insurance Claims edmonton car insurance
2 min read
Are you a helmet wearer? - Home Insurance Edmonton
By Bill Reay on Jun 11, 2012 11:47:00 AM
Purchasing home and life insurance is a no-brainer. But what about taking the proper precautions to ensure that you hopefully won't need to make claims? The weather is right for cycling - are you wearing your helmet?