With car insurance rates potentially on the rise one consideration when purchasing a car is whether it may be a target for theft. Vehicles targeted for theft are more expensive to insure. High end vehicles are often targeted by criminal organizations who then sell them for parts. To help avoid buying a stolen car consumers can buy from reputable dealers, and reputable repair shops. Get a car history report to lessen the chances of becoming a victim of auto theft.
Every year, automobile theft costs Canadians close to $1 billion, including $542 million for insurers to fix or replace stolen cars, $250 million in police, health-care and court-system costs and millions more for correctional services.
The IBC 2011 top 10 most frequently stolen vehicles in Canada are:
- 2009 Toyota Venza 4-door
- 1999 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
- 2000 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
- 2006 Ford F350 Pickup Truck 4WD
- 2002 Cadillac Escalade EXT 4-door AWD
- 2006 Chevrolet TrailBlazer SS 4-door 4WD
- 2007 Ford F350 Pickup Truck 4WD
- 2001 Pontiac Aztek 4-door AWD
- 1998 Acura Integra 2-door
- 1999 Acura Integra 2-door
The 2010 IBC top 10 stolen vehicles in Canada are:
- 2000 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
- 1999 Honda Civic SiR 2-door
- 2002 Cadillac Escalade 4-door 4WD
- 2004 Cadillac Escalade 4-door 4WD
- 2005 Acura RSX Type S 2-door
- 1997 Acura Integra 2-door
- 2000 Audi S4 Quattro 4-door AWD
- 2003 Hummer H2 4-door AWD
- 2006 Acura RSX Type S 2-door
- 2004 Hummer H2 4-door AWD
Thieves generally steal cars for one of four reasons:
1. For sale abroad - Stolen cars are often immediately packed – with their vehicle identification numbers (VINs) still intact – and shipped abroad, where they are sold for many times their original market value.
2. For sale to unsuspecting consumers – Stolen cars may be given a new identity with false VINs, and then sold to unsuspecting consumers. They can also be dismantled and sold for parts.
3. To get somewhere – This is commonly, but inappropriately, referred to as “joyriding.” Auto theft of any kind is still a crime, and innocent people do get hurt or killed as a result.
4. To commit another crime – Stolen cars used to commit other crimes are often recovered – abandoned and badly damaged – within 48 hours of their theft.