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4 min read

How Much a Distracted Driving Ticket Could Cost You

By Jake McCoy on Jul 16, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Distracted driving poses a significant risk on the roads, extending beyond the commonly associated use of cell phones. Engaging in any activity that diverts attention from driving can lead to accidents and consequences. In this article, we delve into the various forms of distracted driving and shed light on the true costs of receiving a distracted driving ticket in Alberta.

Topics: Auto Insurance Car Insurance distracted driving
2 min read

Do Photo Radar Tickets Affect My Insurance?

By Alannah McEwan on Apr 14, 2023 9:08:00 AM

Speeding is by far the most common traffic ticket given out in Canada. Do you know which traffic tickets will increase your insurance rates? Will photo radar and police issued tickets have the same impact on your insurance and driving record?

Topics: Car Insurance Quote Car Insurance distracted driving
9 min read

Road Rage - What's The Cost of Agressive Driving?

By Jake McCoy on Aug 5, 2022 8:45:00 AM

Most people are familiar with the term “road rage” and have an idea of what it means. They would likely associate it with someone swearing and/or yelling at other drivers from their vehicle, honking unnecessarily, or generally driving unsafely out of agitation. This behaviour is actually more in line “aggressive driving”. You might be thinking that those sound interchangeable, but there is an important distinction between them.

Topics: Risk Management safety Car Insurance Car Insurance Edmonton distracted driving UBI Road Rage Aggressive Driving
4 min read

Distracted Driving: Is it Illegal to Send a Text While Waiting in a Drive-Through Line

By Rob Stevenson on Dec 4, 2015 3:00:00 PM

Recently a man received a ticket for distracted driving for answering a text message while waiting in line at a Beaumont area Tim Horton's drive through. While there is some speculation that he may have been texting on the way to Tim Horton's as well, it seemed like a good time to take another look at Alberta's distracted Driving Legislation. 

Topics: safety Auto Insurance distracted driving Auto Insurance Edmonton edmonton car insurance traffic laws
4 min read

Is it Illegal to Send a Text While Waiting in a Drive-Through Line?

By Rob Stevenson on Apr 8, 2014 2:06:00 PM

Recently a man received a ticket for distracted driving for answering a text message while waiting in line at a Beaumont area Tim Horton's drive through. He's On September 1, 2011 Alberta became the first province in Canada to write a law that addresses distracted driving and cell phone use. It is also Canada's most comprehensive distracted driving law, which has led to a bit of confusion over what activities would be considered breaking the law and what would be perfectly legal. Read below to dispel some of these myths.

Topics: safety Auto Insurance distracted driving Auto Insurance Edmonton edmonton car insurance traffic laws
2 min read

Text Blocking App on the Horizon for Distracted Drivers

By Rob Stevenson on Dec 19, 2013 10:40:00 AM

drivealertInsurance Companies in Canada may soon ask that their car insurance clients use an app that monitors driver usage and blocks your phone from texting, calling, browsing the Internet and using apps. 

Topics: Car Insurance distracted driving Teen Driver
1 min read

Alberta Police Call for Distracted Driving Penalties to Increase

By Rob Stevenson on Dec 21, 2012 10:04:00 AM

Police cheifs around Alberta have called for an increase in penalties for those convicted of distracted driving.

Topics: distracted driving


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