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Armour Insights - June 2013

Jun 3, 2013 9:59:00 AM


Welcome to the June 2013 edition of Armour inSights.

May's Fuel Up For Free Contest Winner!!!
Congratulations to Aimee Fox of Leduc, Alberta. She has just won a $100 gas card in Armour's Fuel up for Free Contest! Post a "Congrats" to her on our facebook announcement for good luck in the next draw! Make sure your name is entered in the contest here.

NurseAssure Launch
We are pleased to announce the launch of NurseAssure! The first group insurance program that is open to any active or retired nurse (and their families) in Alberta. Our goal with NurseAssure is to offer better rates and better service than any other nurse group program on the market. Give it a try and let us know what you think

Not a nurse? Share this new program with your friends!

Alberta Forest Fires

forest fire  - fire bansHot and dry weather conditions are well-known risk factors for forest fires. A majority of the forest fires that blazed across Alberta recently were caused by a combination of these conditions and careless human activity.

According to Alberta’s Economical and Sustainable Resource Development, 441 fires have occurred this season. Over the May long weekend alone, over 80 new fires were caused by people and only one by natural causes. Because of this, we have been experiencing fire bans across the province for an undecided amount of time.  For a current listing of fire bans in our province visit the Alberta Fire Bans website:https://albertafirebans.ca/

Here are some tips to keep top of mind when choosing a site to start a fire:

  • Check to see if open fires are allowed in your area.
  • Choose an area with an abundance of rocks and sand and little vegetation.
  • Do not start a fire underneath low-hanging branches or nearby bushes.
  • Have plenty of water nearby in case a fire gets out of hand.
  • Keep the fire small.
  • Never wander away from a fire; it should be watched and kept under control at all times.
Call on Armour Insurance for all your Insurance Needs.
Click here to quote on home, auto, life, farm, commercial, recreational or group insurance.

Safe Walking and Cycling

pedestrian safetyWhen the weather outside turns from frightful to enjoyable, everyone gets the urge to spend more time outdoors. But more people outside means more opportunities for warm-weather activities to cause injury and harm. When it’s time to bring out the pool toys and patio furniture, it’s also time to practise these summer safety tips:

When walking:

  • Always do so at marked crosswalks so cars are aware of your presence.
  • Make sure drivers know you are about to cross by making eye contact with them first.
  • Don’t just look left and right; also pay attention to cars that may be turning at intersections.
  • If you’re walking at night, wear bright or reflective clothing.

When riding a bike:

  • Always make sure you have enough room to avoid being sideswiped by nearby vehicles.
  • Use hand signals when turning or stopping so that drivers know what you are about to do next.
  • Wear bright or reflective clothing so that you catch drivers’ attention and they know you are there.
  • Stay attentive and slow down slightly when nearing intersections.

For information on all types of insurance we provide click here. If you have a claim, please click here.

April Showers May Bring Water Damage

april showers tulipsHere in Alberta of course, we know that "April" Showers usually means May Showers :)

Spring rain may be welcomed by flowers and plants, but many Canadian homeowners don’t feel the same. The onslaught of rain means that homes are at risk for leaky roofs, blocked gutters, crumbling foundations and flooded basements.

According to an Ontario insurance company, 40 per cent of all home insurance claims are the result of water damage. Since more people are starting to use their basements as a living area and not just a place to store unused items, the cost of home repairs and cleanup has increased significantly over the years.

Fortunately, lowering this risk begins with the homeowners themselves. Here are some things you can do to decrease your water damage bill after spring showers:

  • Have your roof inspected for weak spots and leaks every couple of years.
  • Clean out your gutters on a regular basis.
  • Have your sump pump inspected.
  • Clear snow that builds up around your home.
  • Clean up debris that gathers in your window wells.
  • Place valuable items that are stored in your basement on high shelves, or in closets on upper floors.
  • Have a backwater valve installed in your home, which will shut off immediately if your sewer becomes obstructed.
Spring is also a good time to review your home insurance. Click here for a quick price check.

Studies Show that Many Auto Accidents are Preventable

825017 crash carAccording to a recent study in Alberta, distracted driving may play a role in as many as 80 per cent of accidents. Similar studies in the United States have shown that 20 per cent of crashes can be blamed on driver fatigue. If drivers would get a little bit more sleep at night, grab a cup of coffee before leaving for work and put cellphones away, the number of accidents on North American roadways could be drastically reduced.

Bad habits are difficult to break, but when it’s one that will likely result in injury to you and others, it’s a habit that needs to be eliminated immediately. The next time you grab your keys to head out, rethink your situation. Enlist a companion so you have someone to talk to on the drive, plan on taking a break every few hours if it’s a long trip and grab coffee or some kind of energy drink to keep you alert. Most importantly, resist the urge to use your cellphone while driving. It could potentially save a life, whether it’s yours, your companion’s or another driver’s.

Time for a review on your car insurance? Click here for a quick online price check.

Rob Stevenson

Written by Rob Stevenson


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