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4 Critical Areas you can Reduce Stress in the Workplace

Nov 27, 2013 3:55:00 PM

stressThere are many factors that contribute to work-related stress. When you face impending deadlines, demanding tasks and challenging goals, you may begin to feel overwhelmed. When you do not take steps to address stress, it may develop into a more serious health condition.

1. Acknowledge Stress

Look out for early symptoms of stress and take steps to relieve them quickly. If you let them go unchecked, these symptoms can develop into more serious health complications, such as heart problems, depression and anxiety. Be wary of the following stress symptoms:

  • Insomnia
  • Short temper
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Sore back
  • Job dissatisfaction
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased errors

2. Make Changes

Changing the way you work can help to relieve some sources of stress. Consider these tips:

  • Prioritize. Begin with your most important or pressing tasks. Concentrate on other tasks only when you have finished.
  • Make sure you are clear about the definition of your role and responsibilities. Ask your supervisor if you have any doubt.
  • Stay organized. A clean office can often give you more clarity.
  • Anticipate possible disagreements with co-workers and plan how you will calmly deal with them.

3. Focus on Your Personal Life

A successful employee at  is able to balance his or her work with a personal life.

  • Make time for friends and family, because spending time with those you love will help you unwind.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise, eat well and sleep at least eight hours a night.
  • Spend time on outside hobbies, interests or passions. This will help you detach from the work environment and reduce your stress.

4. Perspective

Reassess your working environment. If the stressors of your current position are too much for you, consider transferring to another department of the facility. Talk to your supervisor to discuss ways  can help you combat stressors in your specific situation.

Does your workplace offer a healthplan or benifits? Often workplaces or their benefit plan will assist in payment for things like massage and gym memberships, both great ways to help relax and let off a little steam. If your workplace doesn't have a program like this, give one of the Armour Insurance Representatives us a call at 1-855-475-0959, or get more information on group insurance plans here. 
Rob Stevenson

Written by Rob Stevenson


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