At Armour Insurance we run a Day Off Raffle program for our staff. Each month employees who want to participate can purchase raffle tickets for $2 and get a chance to win a day off. In 2019 we sold 475 tickets raising $950. Each year, Armour pledges to match this amount in a donation to our communities.
This program brings a little fun to our days but also helps us get everyone involved in giving back to the communities that we serve in. At the end of each year, we donate all of the proceeds to a charity chosen by our staff. For our 2019 proceeds, our staff has chosen the Little Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre.
Little Bear is an initiative developed by Lloydminster Sexual Assault Services. Their purpose is to provide a warm inviting place that aids in supporting individuals and families affected by sexual violence as they navigate the reporting, investigation, and court process. They have filled a need on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan, by providing a centralized location to interview and help clients, complete with digital and audio recording, a toy room, and conference space. Through this facility they server 56 victims on average monthly while moving towards their goal of building a community where "every survivor is believed, while working towards eliminating all forms of abuse".
We stand behind the initiatives put forth by Lloydminster Sexual Assault Services and believe their contribution to the community is immeasurable. The Little Bear program is another one of these great initiatives that will play a vital role in our community for years to come. For this reason we have chosen to contribute to the continued success of the Little Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre.
Armour Insurance has matched the proceeds collected from the Day Off Raffle and are proud to present Little Bear with a cheque for $1,900. We hope that they can use this to further the great work that they can do in our communities. Thank-you Little Bear!