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Aviva Electric Vehicle Initiative

Sep 26, 2022 10:15:00 AM

As a part of a commitment to combatting climate change, Aviva (one of our fantastic partners) has announced an electric vehicle initiative. This exciting new initiative will be available for personal use electric powered vehicles. 

What are the benefits of the Aviva Electric Vehicle Initiative? 

  • Complimentary towing for dead batteries
  • Total loss electric vehicle subsidy
  • Vehicle Insurance Discounts

Complimentary Towing For Dead Batteries

One of the big concerns about driving an electric vehicle is what you're going to do if the battery dies? Obviously, in a gas or diesel powered vehicle if you run out of fuel on the side of the road, you can walk to the nearest fuel station and get enough fuel to get you where you need to go. You can also call a roadside assistance company to bring you some fuel to get to where you need to go. 


This is unfortunately not an option for electric vehicle drivers. Most drivers fear that if they purchase an electric vehicle and they were to run out of battery power, they would be stuck without many available options. That is why Aviva has added a complimentary towing for dead batteries benefit to their electric vehicle program. In the event that your vehicle loses juice while on the road, you can call their toll free number 1 (833) 873-5938 to request a tow service. They have backup plan built into your auto policy in the event your battery runs out. 

Total Loss Electric Vehicle Subsidy

Another gripe that many consumers have about electric vehicles is the switching cost. Unfortunately for Canadian consumers, there are not too many options for budget electric vehicles. It makes it difficult to justify the additional cost of an electric vehicle when you need to purchase a new vehicle. 

That is why Aviva has added a total loss electric vehicle subsidy to their policies. How does that work? Well, if you are an existing Aviva auto customer and your fossil fuel powered vehicle suffers from a total loss, Aviva will offer a $2,000 incentive towards the purchase of a brand new electric vehicle. 

New EV

In a hypothetical situation where you are an Aviva auto insurance customer and your gas or diesel vehicle has a total loss, you could get a $2,000 subsidy towards the purchase of an electric vehicle. Additionally, the federal government has a subsidy for purchasing an electric vehicle that can reach up to $5,000. This means that you could get up to $7,000 in subsidies and incentives towards purchasing a new electric vehicle. 


The greatest incentive that Aviva will be offering with their electric vehicle initiative is discounts on vehicle insurance. If you have a qualifying electric vehicle, you are eligible for a 10% discount on your insurance! A discount of 5% is also available for qualifying hybrid vehicles. 

Other benefits of owning an electric vehicle include reduced operating costs. Some estimates have the operating costs of an electric vehicle at less than $400/year. 

Need More Information?

Contact one of our brokers today to learn more about the Aviva electric vehicle Initiative!

Call Now  1-844-421-2121

Jake McCoy

Written by Jake McCoy


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