Cyber security is a threat to organizations of all sizes, but statistics show that small to medium size businesses seem to be taking the brunt of the impact from cyber attacks these days. Join us September 26th at 11am for a look at how Cyber Crime could affect your business and what you can do to increase your Cyber Armour.
By the end of this webinar you should have a good understanding of some of the big way’s your company is vulnerable to Cyber attack and some of the ways to protect yourself and your business.
Join Candace Clay (Armour Insurance) and Rishi Patel (Keeran Networks) as they walk you through case studies and stats designed to make you cyber aware.
- Learn from the experts where you can look for holes in your cyber armour
- Know what to do or who to call when to put protection in place
- See how one organization lost nearly $200k by just clicking the wrong link
- Know how to implement a recovery plan in the event of an attack