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Alberta Approves Use of Electronic Pink Cards

Aug 13, 2019 9:41:55 AM

Alberta's Superintendent of Insurance, Darren Hedley, released a bulletin yesterday approving the use of electronic pink cards in Alberta. This is a victory for Albertan consumers, insurance brokers and insurance companies who have been pushing for this change for years.

pink card

Alberta is the 4th province in Canada (behind Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador) to allow the use of Electronic pink cards over their strictly regulated paper counterparts. Rob Marusin, president of Armour Insurance, believes this is a gateway to more advancement in this heavily regulated industry.

"We believe this is a great advancement towards modernization of the auto insurance industry in our province. It will inevitably lower our industries footprint, bring more convenience to our customers and open the door for more innovation in the future."

The Wording

Here is an excerpt from the bulletin released, August 12, 2019. You can find the full bulletin on the Goverment of Alberta's website.

  1. May be in electronic form or paper form;
  2. Must contain at least the following information in black text:
    1. Insurer’s licensed legal name prominently displayed
    2. Policy number
    3. Insured’s name
    4. Insured vehicle year, make, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
    5. Effective and expiry dates
    6. The words “Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card Canada Inter-Province Applicable Within Canada and the United States of America”;
  3. Must be pink in colour;
  4. If a paper FRC, it must contain the provincial and territorial shields in the background. These shields are optional for an electronic FRC (see samples in Appendix 1); and
  5. Is not valid unless the referenced automobile insurance policy is in force.


Topics: Pink Card
Rob Stevenson

Written by Rob Stevenson


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