Here are the vehicle registration renewals for December. If your last name, or company name, starts with the below letters it's time to renew your vehicle registrations.
1 min read
December Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Rob Stevenson on Dec 1, 2017 9:03:00 AM
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
1 min read
October Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Alannah McEwan on Oct 1, 2017 1:19:00 PM
Here are the vehicle registration renewals for October. If your last name, or company name, starts with the below letters it's time to renew your vehicle registrations.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
1 min read
August Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Alannah McEwan on Aug 1, 2017 10:14:43 AM
Here are the vehicle registration renewals for August. If your last name, or company name, start with the below letters it's time to renew your vehicle registration.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
1 min read
August Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Alannah McEwan on Aug 2, 2016 10:46:23 AM
Here are the vehicle registration renewals for August. If your last name, or company name, starts with the below letters it's time to renew your vehicle registrations.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
July Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Alannah McEwan on Jul 14, 2016 11:16:13 AM
Here are the vehicle registration renewals for July. If your last name, or company name, starts with the below letters it's time to renew your vehicle registrations.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
June Vehicle Registration Renewals
By Rob Stevenson on Jun 1, 2016 6:00:00 AM
Here are the vehicle registration renewals for June. If your lastname or company name start with the below letters, it's time to renew your vehicle registrations.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
2 min read
Armour Registries and Service Alberta To Waive Fees on Service for Fort McMurray Evacuees
By Rob Stevenson on May 6, 2016 8:47:50 AM
In a mass evacuation situation like the one our Fort McMurray neighbours experienced this week, grabbing your birth certificate or other identification isn't the first thing on your mind. We know that things like speaking with your insurance company and getting shelter for your family can be made a lot easier when you have proper identification. So, when Service Alberta announced plans to waive Government fees on certain services today, Armour Registry and other Alberta registries agreed to match their offer and provide these services for free.
Topics: Alberta registry
May Vehicle Registration Renewals in Alberta
By Rob Stevenson on May 1, 2016 10:32:00 AM
Time to renew your vehicle registration again. If your lastname of company name starts with the letters below then May is your month to renew your registration.
Topics: registration vehicle registration Alberta registry AARA
1 min read
Book Your Driving Test Today
By Rob Stevenson on Apr 20, 2016 1:43:01 PM
The roads are clear and driving test times are booking up all over the province. Call in and secure your spot today to book your driving test with Armour Registries.
Topics: Alberta registry driving tests road tests
1 min read
Alberta Vehicle Registrations Renewal Reminder for April
By Rob Stevenson on Apr 2, 2016 10:22:00 AM